This anthology brings together 12 first-person essays detailing the lived experiences of mixed-African heritage individuals.
Our goal is to detail the experiences of people whose family comes from Africa on one side and elsewhere in the world on the other.
Primarily aimed at Zoomer mixed heritage individuals, with secondary reach to educators, policymakers, and service providers.
To foster understanding and self-recognition, bridging gaps in representation and awareness.
We are inviting committed and prospective contributors to an online writers’ circle that will launch in January 2024. We are also holding monthly organising meetings online.
We are thrilled to announce that The Mixed Museum, a respected institution dedicated to celebrating and exploring the diverse experiences of mixed-heritage individuals, has officially endorsed our anthology project.
These include Johnny Pitts – Afropean: a first-person travelogue which seeks to make visible African diaspora people living in and around Europe, taking its lead from a term coined by Belgian-Congolese singer and activist Marie Daulne
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